wine / , / Primo Ancestrale

Primo Ancestrale

Vino Bianco Frizzante

11% vols

Service temperature:  8-10°C

Type of wine: Wine obtained from a vinification with natural, not induced refermentation in bottle called "ancestral".

Slightly anticipated to enhance freshness and acidity.
Vino ottenuto da una vinificazione con rifermentazione spontanea in bottiglia detto "ancestrale".Il deposito su fondo può essere rimesso in sospensione prima della stappatura per aumentare la complessità del vino.

Aroma of good intensity, fresh, citrusy with fruity notes of green apple, cedar and aromatic herbs. On the palate savory, fresh and crisp.

Wine obtained from a vinification with natural, not induced refermentation in bottle called “ancestral”. Before uncorking, the bottle can be shaken to suspend again all the yeasts, increasing greatly his complexity.

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Excellent as an aperitif, it paires good with appetizers, fish dishes and semi-soft cheeses until tasty ones.



Slightly anticipated to enhance freshness and acidity.


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